Friday 7 April 2017

PICS : More details emerges - Zuma Must Go Trucks #SaveSA March

PICS : More details emerges - Zuma Must Go Trucks #SaveSA March

PICS : Zuma Must Go Trucks #SaveSA March

SOUTH AFRICANS from all walks of life will take to the streets today.

They will express their anger at the way the country is being run.


President Zuma’s Cabinet reshuffle and the firing of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan was met with disbelief and fury that cut across social and party lines.

Accusations of South Africa being sold to businessmen close to the president have refused to be silenced and has led to an unprecedented show of unity today.

Yesterday, people gathered outside parliament to picket against President Jacob Zuma.

SaveSA member John Mcatee told Daily Sun they will form a human chain along main roads into Cape Town at 10am on Friday.
“We have a unity of purpose regardless of race, to save our beloved country.”

Rod Solomons of SA First said President Zuma must leave because he is paying little attention to the needs of South Africans.

SA First Forum spokeswoman Hazel O’Shea said civic organisations SaveSA, Casac, Ndifuna Ukwazi, Right to Know, S27, Reclaim the City, TAC, the Social Justice Coalition and faith organisations will march from various locations.

The Gauteng SACP will march to National Treasury as part of its financial sector campaign to fight against corporate capture of the state and corruption.

Their memorandum of demands, to be handed to new Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba, will ask “that the state defend the national sovereignty and sound financial institutions against corporate capture by parasitic and corrupt networks.”

Cape Town’s major protest today is a tent camp in Adderley Street, a 48-hour picket and a cultural programme until Saturday.
The #SA1st Forum has called for a human chain along key main roads into the Cape Town, and a civil society march to parliament.

Other events include an Outa gathering outside parliament and people in other cities and towns have been urged to gather at community halls.

Residents of Somerset West will gather outside the Virgin Active on the N2 with placards and banners.

Marches in Joburg and Pretoria include a march by residents of Northcliff and Randpark Ridge along Beyers Naude Drive towards Beyers Naude Bridge.

The DA will march from Westgate transport hub to Mary Fitzgerald Square.

Save SA will march from Pretoria’s Church Square to the Union Buildings, joined by Outa.

The SACP will march from Marabastad, Pretoria, to Treasury to hand over a memorandum and will then join the march to the Union Buildings.

In Durban, DA members will gather at the Durban Circus site on Sandile Thusi Road.

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